Something Significant

An unknown amount of time had passed, but what Ed was sure of was that they had made another stop somewhere, which was extremely shorter than the previous ones. Soldiers seemed to be a bit more alert too, as the same three soldiers who had been stationed in the cargo hold was back.
            "Some higher ups are saying that they know what's inside the crates that went down in the last delivery," the blurry soldier Ed had dubbed Tall Boy said.
            "Of course they'll know," the round one replied, his best attempt to sound witty. Ed expected that none of his co-workers really liked him. He might have been good conversation, but that was about the extent of his use.
            Ed laughed and spat again. He also felt like his nose wanted to run, and sniffed out of a habit that he had learned in the last few days of captivity. In a way, he had gotten used to his limited eyesight, but he also couldn't wait to figure out just what the hell was wrong with him.
            "What's the matter with you?" the third soldier said. Ed had dubbed him Johnny Bravo due to his dialect -- had also figured him to be that kind of person anyway. "What's the matter with him?"
            "Must be getting a little stir-crazy," Pudgy remarked and made whatever stupid-fat person speak was for giggle.
            Tall Boy silently walked closer to where Ed was sitting, who merely had his head hanging forward. Johnny skulked silently behind, and Pudgy merely stood still.
            "What's a man gotta do to be able to take a piss?" Ed asked as his eyes rolled in all directions and his head jerked back. His head hurt like hell and his mouth was dry, but he really did need to empty the tank.
            "Let go in your pants there, pretty boy," Johnny replied which made all three of them laugh.
            Tall Boy moved even more closer and inspected Ed's face. He completely blurred out most of Ed's vision. He shot one glance in Pudgy's direction, who still stood one the same spot, and turned his head back to Ed.
            Ed suddenly jerked his head forward and shot upwards, as far as he could before his bound arms forced him down onto his seat again.
            Tall Boy jumped backwards and dropped his firearm, which made Pudgy laugh so hard, it almost sounded as if he would be susceptible to a heart at any moment. Just as Ed contemplated divine blessings again, he lost faith the moment Pudgy opened his mouth. Fortunately all three of them had gone quiet the moment the cargo door opened and someone stepped inside.
            "Gentlemen, you're relieved for now," the man said, and kept still while the three stooges left the room. The man then neared Ed and touched him on the shoulder.
            This would be the third time that the mysterious man had met with Ed, and would probably be the third time that not much would said on Ed's part. The man had assured him that Aaliyah was taken care of like a queen, albeit being in captivity. But he still hadn't come to the point about why he was being nice.
            "How are you holding up, Mr Swardt?"
            "I need to take a piss," Ed replied matter-of-factly as his eyes lolled to the sides.
            The blur in front of Ed disappeared as the old man walked around him and started loosening his bounds. "You'll have an extremely hard time walking," he said, "don't make any sudden movements, and we'll be able to get you to the nearest loo in no time."
            Ed obeyed as much as he could, but his head's jerking and his eyes practically non-working made him a lot more dizzy as he had initially thought that he would be.
            The old man helped Ed stand up, and after that slowly walked with him to the cargo hold door, where he let Ed lean against the carrier's door as he opened up.

They slowly made their way to the toilet, where the old man had to help Ed into one of the stalls, which he did without second thought. As he washed his hands with water that could pass as liquid ice back home, he thought he saw what looked like a floating ball. He quickly realised that it was merely his blurred reflection in what was definitely a mirror. He wet his face and rubbed out his eyes, to no avail. The water had only served to make his eyes even more blurry.
            "Why are you doing this?" Ed asked as he leaned on the sink, his head still jerking randomly.
            The old man, who was now standing near the door walked inside and stood next to Ed. He then cleared his throat and touched Ed on the shoulder again. "Time to get back," he said, to which Ed simply obliged as he was in no position to even try and use any of his limbs a lot, never mind put up a slight fight.

As Ed fell back down into his chair, and the old man slowly bound his hands again, Ed noticed him not making it as tight as it used to be, though he tried to get it loose to no avail yet again.
            The man came into his blurry view again, and Ed knew that he was extremely close. Ed heard the man sigh. "She's my daughter," he said, turned around, and walked away.
            Ed said nothing as he listened how the door opened, and closed. He then let his head hang forward again. "Damnit," he then said under his own breath as his eyes started to role in different directions again. He had to get out of that seat again, only this time to get out of it for good.

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