
Showing posts from November, 2010

A story about a bug...

Somewhere in the world, a person had just been stung by a bee as you read these last few words. It's true! Go look it up! Scary, isn't it? Which is why people all over the world, have resulted to buying masses of cans of bug spray and other materials for the extinction of the common household bug. Which, and I'm not joking, may very well be a bee. Of some sort. "BUT!" you tell me, "Bugs are scary and need to die!" Well, my dear reader, let me tell you a little story, of a girl. Her name is Lucy. One day, Lucy went to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. However, upon stretching on her little tipi-toes, and reacher as far as she could to open the bathroom cabinet where her toothbrush and paste were stored, a Huge Gigantic Spider the size of a needle's head jumped out! Enraged at the fact that the building of his newly webbed house had been interrupted, Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider ran out from behind the toothpaste so he could take on this...