A story about a bug...

Somewhere in the world, a person had just been stung by a bee as you read these last few words. It's true! Go look it up!

Scary, isn't it? Which is why people all over the world, have resulted to buying masses of cans of bug spray and other materials for the extinction of the common household bug. Which, and I'm not joking, may very well be a bee. Of some sort.

"BUT!" you tell me, "Bugs are scary and need to die!"

Well, my dear reader, let me tell you a little story, of a girl. Her name is Lucy.

One day, Lucy went to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. However, upon stretching on her little tipi-toes, and reacher as far as she could to open the bathroom cabinet where her toothbrush and paste were stored, a Huge Gigantic Spider the size of a needle's head jumped out!

Enraged at the fact that the building of his newly webbed house had been interrupted, Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider ran out from behind the toothpaste so he could take on this intruder, only to realize that this intruder was, indeed, more than 300 times his size.

Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs! How could a spider, especially one like Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider make a nest right in her bathroom cabinet! Her nice, pristine marble bathroom cabinet at that!

Lucy ran out of the bathroom, still screaming, waving her hands in the air. A spider had invaded her home, and something had to be done about it! So she grabbed at the can of bug spray in the kitchen and hurried back as fast as she could!

Meanwhile, Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider retreated back to his half-constructed home, tears in all his eyes. What had gone so wrong? He had only been on that world for a few days, enough to age into a young, mature spider, ready to take on the world, yet there he was, crying his eyes out because of a monster, 300 times his size! What ever could he possibly do?

Stomping could be heard as he moped behind the massive round tube. Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider knew that Lucy had returned. And he knew that she wouldn't go, screaming at the top of her lungs this time.

Fearing for his life, Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider hurried out so the giant could see him, waving his hands in the air. He yelled at Lucy, begging her for mercy, but she did not listen!

Instead, Lucy lifted her arms and revealed a huge red and black spray can. Her eyes showed nothing but hatred towards poor Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider.

Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider sobbed as he knew what was coming for him! His mother had died the same exact way. He did nothing but run for his life as he started to feel the paralyzing rain touch his scrawny little legs! But he did not run far enough. He tried and he tried, and eventually got blind as the rain covered his head.

Lucy had successfully rid her bathroom of Mr. Huge Gigantic Spider's presence. With a smile, she nodded to herself and returned the spray can to the kitchen. She could now carry on with the rest of her daily schedule which involved going to kindergarten and going over to her friend, Kayla's house afterwards.

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