Something Deduced

Apart from being a little bit more paranoid than usual, Ed, Dev and Ian went about their day as usual. Dev had arrived shortly after Ed had called him and filled him in on everything Ian’s mystery caller said. They then ate breakfast, mostly in silence, after which all three of them headed to the in-house library.
            “So we’ll be uploading super secure files to an unknown terminal in an unknown building, and these files may or may not just determine the end of the world. Nice.”
            “It’s not that simple, Dev,” Ed replied as he went over his part of the library and inspected all of the books he had collected over the years.
            “What do you mean it’s not that simple?”
            “Too many factors.”
            “Do you really think that’ll stop them?”
            “Ed is right,” Ian then said as he went over a couple rolls of parchment on the round desk in the middle of the room. “Too many factors.”
            “Like what?”
            “Like when, where, why, and how.”
            “I still don’t understand. We’re probably in bed with one of the most secretive organizations on this planet, and you’re telling me they aren’t planning to take over the world?”
            “What I’m saying,” Ed started as he turned around and walked over to where Ian stood. “Is that it sounds to me like these guys do not want to simply take over the world and reign supreme like gods. I’m saying that these guys seem merely to want to shape the world into what they want it to be.”
            “Regardless of our assumptions, we don’t even know if that is their goal. You two stop with all your ‘Illuminati’ talk and have a look at this.”
            Ian pressed a button and the over-head projector went on. It highlighted a number of photos. “From what I’ve gathered, the ones surveying us are not the same ones sending us on our little errands.”
            “Looks that way. Where did you get these photos?”
            “I had Victor pull them up from cameras in the immediate area. These photos have been taken by someone else entirely – as you can see, it’s of the people spying on us. Some people really don’t know how to disable or completely remove their EXIF data from their footage.”
            “So what you’re saying is that the people spying on us, have nothing to do with the people we found on that damn UFO.”
            “UFO?” Ed asked as Dev got up from the couch he was sitting on.
            “Facility, or, whatever.”
            “That is exactly what I’m saying,” Ian acknowledged as he shut the projector off and handed a document to Ed, who opened the file and silently skimmed through the pages.
            “The Commander spoke something of this in one of our many ‘talks’” Ed said after a while. “He said that ‘a brand new kind of energy might change the fate of this world.’”
            “Not that it makes any sense,” Ian and Dev said together.
            “It’s gibberish to me. I wasn’t able to find more on this from any of my sources. Excluding the old man, of course.”
            “Yeah, I tried getting ahold of him too just after I got back,” Ed replied. “Wanted to ask him how I can keep a constant stream of crystallized arrows coming in.”
            “Yeah. Before you pull out the Black Arrow act again, let’s just focus on the matters at hand. Besides, I’m still worried about the whole Black Arrow, mystery shadow-man debacle from last week…” Dev said after a short and awkward pause. Ed merely smiled wryly and joined Ian where he was hunched over the table again.

JR came into the library wearing a thick grey sweater, faded, torn jeans and a black cap. He had a backpack hunched over his shoulders, half over his back.
            “Where are you off to?” Ian asked after he looked for a moment at the atrocity that had become JR’s newest fashion statement.
            “I’m going to stay at Jake’s for a while,” JR said and turned around.
            “Jake?” Ed asked, the tone of his voice making JR stop in his tracks. “Never heard of the guy.”
            “Yeah, we uh, used to work together. Stopped speaking a while ago, but now we’re all cool again. Don’t wait up for me. I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying there.”
            “Yeah.” Ed and Ian echoed after a while. Dev just rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the documents they had been busy studying.

All the documents had been able to give them was a number of useless facts regarding the sawmill they had infiltrated no more than a day ago. They were trying to figure out who the mercenaries had been hired by, but to no avail.
            They were sure of a few things though: that they were currently contracted by a mysterious organization with unknown motive; that they were being watched by another organization; and that the mysterious organization watching them, was also being watched.

After a while, all three of them went back to their normal plans. Dev left to go and check up on a few interns at Project 8, and Ian had to check in at Scorpion HQ since he had basically been off “sick” for about a half week now, and it couldn’t stay away any longer. Ed stayed home, retiring to his room to restring his compound bow and sharpen his remaining normal arrows. Every so often he looked at the couple he had managed to shape into crystalline arrows, with the help of the tech that the Oracle had lent him years ago.

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